House value calculator - how much is my house worth?
Whether you're thinking about moving home or remortgaging one question you are likely to need the answer to is 'How much is my house worth?
This house value calculator will give you an idea of how much your house is worth and how the value has changed over the past year based on UK house value data provided to us by Landmark. Just select your address and we'll give you an approximate value for your house. However, please remember that it’s only a guide and the mortgage lender will always want a valuation of the property to confirm how much it's worth.
While this calculator is designed to help you to understand the estimated value of your house, the actual value of your house might be above or below the result and is dependent on other factors.
Important notice
The figures given are an indication based on last known sale prices and UK house price inflation figures. They are not a substitute for a professional valuation and should not be used as a basis on which to sell or buy a property. Our advisers can help you arrange a valuation or survey with a professional surveyor if require so please call us if you need help.
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