Life insurance calculator

Our life insurance calculator helps you identify the most important things in your life you should provide cover for, such as paying off your mortgage and providing for your family.

Use our quick life insurance calculator to get a better idea of how much cover is best for you based on the amount you’d need:

  • To replace your income
  • To support your children until they’re 18
  • To support your children through university
  • To pay off your mortgage
  • To pay off your credit cards and loans
  • Taking into account how much cover you have already

Simply enter the relevant amounts in each field and we’ll work out how much life insurance cover you might need.

There are other types of cover that can help protect you and your family in the event of long-term or serious illness, which is why getting expert advice on the best option for your situation really matters.

Our life insurance cost calculator

Find out how much over you need with our life insurance calculator.
About your family
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About your liabilities
This value has been customised for you
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About your income and assets
We’ve calculated this from our average customer
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Enter the values above to see calculate how much life cover you require.

Your results
The cover required to replace your income.
We’ve based this on 4 times your gross income, although the amount needed will depend on your circumstances.
The cover required for supporting your children until they are 18.
The annual cost of supporting a child is £9760, according to the LV Cost of a Child report Jan 2015.
The cover required for supporting your children through university.
The annual cost of supporting a child is £13345, according to the LV Cost of a Child report Jan 2015.
The cover required for paying your rent or mortgage
The amount needed to repay your mortgage or to cover 4 years of rent payments based on the figures you entered.
The cover required for covering your loans and credit cards.
The amount needed to repay your mortgage or to cover 4 years of rent payments based on the figures you entered.
Take off your current assets.
We’ve deducted the amount of life cover, savings and assets you have currently.
The minimum level of life insurance we think you should have.
We’ve deducted the amount of life cover, savings and assets you have currently.

BMI calculator

Use our BMI calculator to look at your body mass based on your weight and height. Life Assurance companies will then use the information from the BMI calculator to help assess your health and calculate your application, in addition to your age, waist measurement and any other health conditions.

It’s important to note that BMI can be flawed as it doesn’t consider individual body types and it’s best to consult your doctor for a more detailed health check.

Some providers are more lenient than others and this is where our expert advisers can help you find the best policy.

Body Mass Index

We've calculated this from our average customer
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We've calculated this from our average customer
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Enter the values above to calculate your BMI

Your results
Your BMI is X

Important notice

We've put this life insurance calculator together to help give you an idea of how much life insurance you should consider. However the amount of cover and the type of policy that will be suitable depends on lots of factors such as your age, health and occupation. Before taking any type of policy out you should get a tailored advice by speaking to one of our expert advisers who will guide you through the options available and the likely costs.

Expert. Honest. Free.

What is life insurance?

Life insurance, sometimes also known as life cover or life assurance, is a type of insurance that helps to protect your family should the worst happen. In the event of your death, it means that your children and/or partner will be financially looked after.

After your death, it’ll pay out money to your next of kin, and this could either be a lump sum or regular monthly payments. The amount of money they receive depends on the level of cover you buy and how long you choose to take the cover for.

There are two main types of life insurance; term life insurance and whole life insurance.

Term life insurance

Term insurance policies run for a set period of time - the ‘term’ of your policy - and are often taken out to tie up with the amount of time left to pay back a loan or a mortgage. It’ll ensure your partner or children are able to pay off the balance or meet the repayments of the loan upon your death. This type of insurance will only pay out if you die during the policy term.

The two different types of term insurance you can get are; decreasing term and level term.

Decreasing term cover means that the payout reduces in line with your mortgage balance, so the amount you’re covered for decreases as you pay your mortgage off. This is usually the cheapest type of life insurance, and works best if you have a repayment mortgage, where the amount of money you’ve borrowed is fully paid off at the end of your mortgage term.

Level term cover means that the payout is fixed for the length of your policy, paying a lump sum which doesn’t reduce like a decreasing term policy. This can be a good option if you want to ensure your dependents have money to cover more than just your mortgage payments. It can also work well for interest-only mortgages where the balance doesn’t reduce over time.

Whole of life insurance

‘Whole life’ cover means that you’ll be protected for the rest of your life, rather than just a fixed time period. That means that no matter when you die, your family will receive support - so it can be a good option if you want reassurance that they’ll be protected, without the hassle of taking out a new policy every ten or twenty years.

There are also other types of life insurance, like:

  • Joint life insurance, where you and a partner are covered under one policy
  • Over 50s insurance - usually whole of life insurance for those aged over 50
  • Critical illness cover, which makes a lump sum payment if you contract one of a list of specified medical conditions
  • Terminal illness insurance, which usually pays out if you’re diagnosed with a terminal illness
  • Children’s cover, which can help if you need extra medical care for a child with a serious injury, illness, or accidental death

Do you need life insurance?

Life insurance can help if you have; dependents, a partner who relies on your income, or if you have family living in a house where you’re the sole mortgage payer.

If you buy a house as a couple, then it’s likely that you’ve been given your mortgage based on two salaries. So it’s important to think about how you’d pay your mortgage payments if one of you died - would the other person be able to manage on one income?

Life insurance can help by paying out a lump sum of cash which could pay off your mortgage or cover other bills and costs.

It can also help if you have children, by making sure they’re still provided for after you die, and covering things like school or university fees.

It may also be wise to take out life insurance if you’ve bought a house with a friend, or if you’re a landlord. If you rent out a property you own, life insurance will mean the Buy to Let mortgage could be paid off in the event of your death and the property passed on to your next of kin.

However, life insurance isn’t just for homeowners. It can also be a good idea for renters, if you have dependents. If you live with a family or partner, would they be able to afford the rent and bills if you passed away?

Do you need life insurance to cover a mortgage?

It’s not a legal requirement to have life insurance in place to get a mortgage, although some lenders will recommend that you do have it in place. We can help you to understand if you need a life insurance mortgage plan.

If you don’t have any dependents, then you probably don’t need life insurance. However, whoever inherits your property when you die would need to either sell it to clear the mortgage, or be in a position to pay it off if they wanted to keep the property.

Life insurance cost

The cost of life insurance depends on the amount of cover you need which in turn depends on your personal circumstances. It will also be affected by a number of different factors, for example:

  • Your age
  • Your health
  • Your lifestyle
  • If it’s a single or joint policy
  • The amount of cover you need
  • The policy length

The actual amount you’ll need will depend on things like:

  • How much of your mortgage do you still have to pay off?
  • If you rent, how much will your family need to pay after your death?
  • Do you have any loans or credit cards that need to be paid off?
  • How much do you have in other debts, like car finance?
  • Does your family need future support, such as childcare costs or university fees?
  • Do you have any other life cover in place, like death in service cover from your employer?

You can use our life insurance calculator to work out how much cover you might need based on these factors.

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